25 Fun Things to Do at a Portsmouth, New Hampshire Bachelorette Party
First of all, can I just say I love that Portsmouth has become a bachelorette destination?
I think it says a lot that brides-to-be from far and wide want to come and celebrate their nuptials in our cute little city.
Portsmouth, New Hampshire is a Bachelorette Party Destination
I was having lunch at the Gaslight in Portsmouth last summer and there were three different bachelorette parties outside enjoying lunch at the same time.
I picked the one that looked the most fun, and sent them a round of Fireball shots. I rarely get to be that cool, but watching them made me nostalgic of my own bachelorette party and I wanted them to have as much fun as I did.
There is a big misconception that all bachelorette parties must entail matching outfits, straws that resemble a part of the male anatomy, and wild nights out. And don't get me wrong, some do! But even if you aren't a huge partier, a bachelorette celebration is a must. Every bride-to-be deserves a night or weekend with her closest gal pals to bid farewell to her single days.
What Are Some Things to Do for a Bachelorette Party in Portsmouth, New Hampshire?
Portsmouth is an excellent place to host a bachelorette party because it has a little bit of everything.
The city is small and walkable, there are plenty of affordable accommodations, and the food is top-notch.
Whether your bride-to-be is outdoorsy, arts and craftsy, a beer lover, or a workout fanatic, you are guaranteed to find the activity you are looking for!
Let's check out a bunch of ideas for your bachelorette party.
25 Fun Things to do at a Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Bachelorette Party
And if you are working with a beer loving bride, this is good info to have: