5 of Top 10 Best Places to Live for Your Skin Are in Maine
Editor's note: This article was written by a Townsquare Media Northern New England contributor and may contain the individual's views, opinions, or personal experiences.
Well hello, Maine. What a great top 10 list to make health-wise, especially when it has to do with the largest organ in the body: your skin! And don't worry, other New England towns and cities are skin-healthy, too.
Yes, if you didn't know, our skin is our largest organ, followed by the liver and brain, according to Healthline.
The skin's function, says Healthline, is to protect us from environmental stressors like germs, pollution, and the sun, regulate our body temperature, touch, of course, receiving sensory information, and to store water, fat, and vitamin D.
On the vain side, we're always looking for ways to beautify it and slow down aging with skin care products and procedures, and it turns out that choosing the place you live can help. Healthline says over half of Americans feel more confident on a day when their skin feels and looks its best, which explains why our country spends billions annually on skin care products.
So congratulations to Maine, where five cites and towns landed in this top 10 list from Housefresh.
We know hormonal and health conditions make a difference in the way our skin looks no matter where you live, so this list is not the fountain of youth, but it can definitely assist environmentally, from UV rays to hard water and air pollution. And those factors are exactly what Housefresh used in this study of 328 cities and towns around the United States.
When it comes to Maine, it has soft water, is one of the most humid states in America, and has some of the lowest air pollution. The Housefresh research ranks Auburn, Maine #1 followed by Bangor, Maine, and Augusta, Maine, for your top 3 best places to live for your skin. Lewiston, Maine, snagged the #5 spot, and Portland, Maine, rounded out the Top 10.
Other New England cities and towns in the Top 50 include:
Montpelier, Vermont at #9, Barre, Vermont at #12, Manchester, New Hampshire #15, Pittsfield, Massachusetts #18, Springfield, Massachusetts #21, Burlington, Vermont is #25 followed by Nashua, New Hampshire landing the #26 slot, Keene, New Hampshire #27, Rutland, Vermont #31, Boston, Massachusetts at #35, Cambridge, Massachusetts is #38, Portsmouth, New Hampshire #39, Worcester, Massachusetts ranks #45, while Cranston, Rhode Island takes #46, and New England's own Connecticut finally making the list and rounding out the Top 50 with Torrington.
If you want to read the entire study and find out who ranks where, including the worst places to live for your skin (Arizona and California), then click here.