7 Reasons To Be A Snow Plow Driver Just Once in New England
Editor's note: This article was written by a Townsquare Media Northern New England contributor and may contain the individual's views, opinions or personal experiences.
Here we go again, another Nor'easter on the horizon.
For most of us, we hit the market for comfort food and excitedly plan our television binge day.
Then we'll venture out from our self-imposed slumber and go sledding, build a snowman, or yes, even the dreaded shoveling and snow-blowing our walkways and driveways if we don't pay that neighborhood kid to do it.
You know who doesn't comfortably veg, cuddled up in blankets with junk food watching 80's movies for the umpteenth time? Cheers to our snow plow drivers.
I think it could actually be kind-of cool to try it out once and here's why.
1) Driving One of Those Big Boys
I think that first jolt when hitting the gas would make me giggle with excitement. I mean yes, even us women have wondered what it would be like to sit that high up and drive something that powerful shoving loads of snow out of the way.
2) King of the Road
Snowplow drivers literally rule the road during storms. That power has to feel kind-of cool. I mean you get to literally control traffic sometimes.
3) The Baby Plows Are Super Cute
How much fun to zoom around in those little ones around parking lots or side roads. It's like a Tonka toy compared to the big boys.
4) Make New Friends
I wonder if those guys in that photo above are making plans to watch the big game now? The next thing you know, their wives are besties and you're renting a lake cabin together in the summer.
5) Entrepreneurship
If you have a pick-up, just slap on one of those plow thingies to your truck and voila, extra bucks for that anniversary trip that really needs to happen. Ok, ok, or that 120 inch television on your bucket list.
6) The Art of it All
I feel like there's something to the snow placement and beauty of it all. At least in the beginning.
7) You're Like Rudolph
Leading everyone safely in the storm.
I was going to add that blocking in cars with piles of snow feels mischievously fun, but then I realized that's just my hunger talking. What reasons would you add to this list?