Act of Kindness at Dunkin’ in Hooksett, New Hampshire, is What the Holiday Season is All About
This time of year can bring out the best or worst in people. For some, all they are thinking about is how much they have to get done before Christmas. They might cut people off in traffic or be snappy and rude to folks working in the service industry. When we are operating at a million miles a minute, it can be difficult to be the best versions of ourselves. But as the great Ferris Bueller once said:
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
I think about this quote all the time, but especially during the holiday season. If you don't slow down and take it all in, what is the point?
Colleen White took to the u Local New Hampshire Facebook page to share a story about a stranger who encapsulated what this time of year is all about through one act of kindness. She also gave Colleen's son a memory he will never forget.
They were at the Dunkin' store in Hooksett, New Hampshire (the one across the street from Target). As they were waiting in line, Colleen's son Griffin was looking through the fun ornaments and expressing how badly he wanted one. Without hesitation, a woman behind them in line offered to buy him an ornament. When someone does something nice like this, it can catch us off-guard because we are not used to it. That's a little sad when you think about it.
This simple gesture made Griffin's day, and judging by that smile, maybe even his whole month:
The story and photo captured the hearts of many. Likes and comments poured in!
Lisa Moynihan Hazeltine said:
"The look of pure joy and excitement, what an adorable little guy! There are kind angels that wander amongst us!"
Rebecca Leonard said:
"What a sweet smile, i hope the lady that you are speaking of sees your post ♥ Merry Christmas to you and your sweet son!"
Judy Weeks VanTassel said:
"Thank you Lord , for the kindness you put into peoples hearts this Christmas time and all the other days of the year ❤️🙏🏼❤️"
I hope this story has inspired you to do something nice for someone today. You never know the impact a small act of kindness can have.
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