Can You Guess How Big This Massive Northern Pike Caught in Maine is?
Editor's note: This article was written by a Townsquare Media Northern New England contributor and may contain the individual's views, opinions, or personal experiences.
Everyone who is really into fishing has that one tale about their most impressive catch. If you'd heard them tell it a few times the description of the fish's size gets a little bigger each time. I am not what one would call a fisherwoman but I can totally understand the thrill when you feel something big tugging on the other side of your line. Sadly, I typically pull up fish that look like this:
Oh well!
Dan aka the Songo River Guide Service posted this photo recently on Facebook of a monster of a Northern Pike that he caught recently. They provide fishing adventures in the Sebago Lake region of Maine and are looking for 1 or 2 anglers (Fly Fisherman preferred but not required) For 8hrs of grinding on April 20th to try and catch one of these big pike! Full day rate is $500. Call or text (207) 713-5186 Email songoriverguide@gmail.com or send them a message on Facebook.
By the way, the Norther Pike above is 22lb and 42 inches. According to Guinness and his book of World Records, the largest Pike ever caught measured 161.29 cm long, weighed 30.61 kg and was hooked by Louie Spray in the Chippewa Flowage at Hayward in Wisconsin on 24 July 1949 – as verified by the International Game Fish Association (IGFA). That is scary big!
The largest species of pike is the muskellunge Esox masquinongy aka the "muskie" or "musky". The muskellunge is believed to derive its unusual name from "maashkinoozhe", a word from the Ojibwa language that translates as "ugly pike". That's a little rude. Good thing fish don't feel emotions because that name could do some damage to a Pike's self esteem.
What is the biggest fish you've ever caught? Where were you and how big was it?
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