Can You Guess Which Pie is the Most Popular in New Hampshire?
It's pie time, friends.
Although you can technically enjoy a scrumptious slice of pie year-round, this dessert becomes all the rage in the fall months, especially around Thanksgiving. Everyone's passionate about their favorite pie flavor(s) and which ones are the best, whether that's apple, pumpkin, blueberry, pecan, or something else. Yours truly loves pumpkin pie, but a fondness for apple may be developing as well.
A recent study by Wise Voter decided to crack down on people's pie preferences once and for all by determine the top pie flavors in each US state. Before diving into the results of this study, Wise Voter provided a few fun facts about the popular dessert.
For instance, did you know that one in five Americans has eaten an entire pie by themselves, and that 32% of folks prefer no crust on top of pies? This writer is ashamed to admit that she's among the 4/5 folks who have yet to devour an entire pie singlehandedly. As for crust, she's impartial and doesn't care much.
So, enough of our blabbering. What pie flavor was deemed the favorite among Granite Staters, and those in other New England states, for that matter? Let's see what New Hampshire and its neighbors decided. Runner-ups are included as well. Did your favorite flavor make the list?
These Are the Most Popular Pie Flavors in Each New England State
Speaking of dessert, here are some of the best bakeries in New Hampshire.
25 of the Best Bakeries in New Hampshire
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