Did You Know It’s Split the Seafood Bill Week in Maine?
Editor's note: This article was written by a Townsquare Media Northern New England contributor and may contain the individual's views, opinions or personal experiences.
Who doesn't want seafood and a chance to get money off the price?
The Gulf of Maine Research Institute first did a Split the Seafood Bill Day back in December of 2020. This is when we were in the thick of the pandemic and winter outdoor dining became a thing in Maine. The hearty enjoyed some memorable meals.
But now the GMRI has extended this into Split the Seafood Bill Week going on now through Sunday, March 27. This is a fantastic incentive to go have some seafood supporting your local lobster and fishermen and getting a great meal. The 'day' did really well, and they are hoping the week does even better!
Here's how it works.
During Split the Seafood Bill week, GMRI will give away 300 $30 gift cards to some people having dinner as long as they go to one of the participating restaurants and of course, order seafood. All you do is take a picture of your bill and submit it through the GMRI website. Your name (and receipt) goes into a 'hat' and then random people will be chosen to receive the 30 dollar gift card (Visa)
Which restaurants can I go to?
There are over 2 dozen restaurants with some great seafood options. Most are in the Greater Portland area, but this does stretch from Portsmouth, New Hampshire to Bangor.
According to WMTW, before the pandemic, restaurants were selling over 2/3 of all the seafood sold in the United States. This helps keep that going in the off-season. It's not about closures anymore when dealing with Covid. Now the new challenges are staffing shortages and the high cost of just doing business.
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