Ever Hit an Animal? Maine One of the Top States Where It’s Most Likely
Editor's note: This article was written by a Townsquare Media Northern New England contributor and may contain the individual's views, opinions, or personal experiences.
The statistic is staggering. Almost 2 million accidents last year were caused by deer. Most accidents involving animals, especially deer, occur in November and December, which is deer mating season, but drivers need to be aware year round for animals dodging out in the road, or onto the highways.
Maine is one state who's rate for drivers hitting animals is especially high. The current rate according to State Farm, is 1 in 75 will hit a deer, moose, or other animal on the road in the state of Maine. Moose mating season is August through October, so it is imperative drivers are constantly aware of their surroundings.
May and June are the peak season for drivers to hit a moose in Maine. Moose are more difficult to see because they are so tall. Unlike deer, their eyes don't reflect into headlights as deer do, because they are too tall.
Also, deer and moose tend to travel in small groups, so if you see one, the chances are good there are more following behind and in the area.
Moose and deer also travel at night, mostly from dusk to dawn, and are more difficult to see then. Drivers should pay attention to highway crossing signs, stay focused and not distracted, and keep speeds down to help avoid a collision with an animal.
According to Maine.gov, if a crash in unavoidable, react this way:
If a crash with an animal is imminent, apply the brakes and steer straight. Let up on the brakes just before impact to allow the front of your vehicle to rise slightly and aim to hit the tail end of the animal. This can reduce the risk of the animal striking the windshield area and may increase your chances of missing it. Duck down to protect yourself from windshield debris.
If a moose is in your path, slow down, do not try to drive around the moose, and most importantly, stay in your car until it wanders off the road.
Hitting any animal, but especially a large animal, is very scary. You'll want to avoid hitting the animal so it goes into your windshield. Be alert and cautious in high risk areas. This can mean the difference between life and death for you and the animal.