Here Are 30 Maine Restaurants We Can’t Help but Miss Now That They Are Gone
Food is nostalgic. All you have to do either smell the aroma of your favorite dish, or take the tiniest bite in order for it to transform you back to a memorable time in your life.
Maine is chocked full of remarkable and delicious restaurants that have been evolving and changing for many years. However, there are times when we miss something specific from a restaurant that is no longer open in Maine. Or maybe we miss the waitstaff, ambience, architecture, or perfect location?
I decided to put together a list of 30 Maine restaurants that we all miss very much.
One of my favorite spots was The Ground Round in Auburn. I remember going there as a little girl, and they would host my birthday parties. It was a blast. There was a clown and balloons, and the pizza was unforgettable.
Now, what's cool about this list is there are a couple restaurants that I've heard may be coming back to us! So take a gander and see if it's one of your old favorite stomping grounds!
Let's take a trip down memory lane together and revisit some of our favorite places, shall we? Below are over 30 Maine restaurants that we are all yearning to have back again!
Here Are 30 Maine Restaurants We Can't Help But Miss Now That They Are Gone
Gallery Credit: Lizzy Snyder
Enjoy A Delicious Lunch At These Maine Restaurants For Less Than $10 Bucks
Gallery Credit: Lizzy Snyder