Stories like this will never cease to amaze me. A local man went shopping at Walmart in Auburn and came upon something that made his entire day, leaving him overwhelmed with joy.

Adam Champion of Lewiston was in the bread aisle, and while choosing his loaf, he noticed something out of the ordinary. As he looked down, he saw a baggie with a note and something inside.

Adam Champion via Facebook
Adam Champion via Facebook

The pink note said,

"If you found me, I am yours to take. Keep me close to proudly show we will always be #LewistonStrong. Please post a picture & where you found this at Facebook; Random Acts of Crochet Kindness USA."

Within the bag is a sticker that says, "Pray More, Worry Less," and a blue crocheted heart.

It's unknown who exactly made this care package, but it's remarkable.

It serves as a reminder that as a city and state, we are collectively healing. We won't and can't ever erase the memory of what happened, and it's people like this who don't want accolades or praise, but only aim to reinforce the idea that we will overcome this together, that become beacons of resilience for us all.

Adam told me that after he found this,

I honestly felt very warm. Like the little blue heart was a light in this healing community. It did very much overwhelm me. We all need little acts of kindness in our lives.

We are looking out for one another ,and that is evident by random discoveries like this at Walmart.

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