Are Dogs or Cats More Popular in Maine?
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, pets can actually improve the health and wellbeing of their owners. Studies have shown that pets can help decrease an owner's blood pressure, cholesterol levels, anxiety, loneliness, and even symptoms of PTSD. Pet owners also tend to get more exercise and improved cognitive function.
Mainers clearly know the benefits, because our pet ownership numbers are some of the highest in the country. According to WorldPopulationReview.com, Maine ranks as the 11th highest state overall, with a pet owner percentage of 63.5. The only New England state with a higher percentage is Vermont at 70%, good enough for 4th overall.
Maine really shines when it comes to our feline friends. Our state ranks as the 2nd highest state for cat ownership at 43.8%. This only trails Vermont, who leads the nation with a 44.6 percentage rate.
That's a lot of cats.
I'm not surprised to see this being a cat state. Heck, my wife and I own three of them. And if we didn't have more willpower, it would probably be 10.
Cats are so unique. They are somehow quirky, apathetic, vulnerable, hilarious, bipolar, possessive, and curious all at the same time. And that is more than likely happening at 2am. But if you get it, you get it. For some reason, there is a weird allure of this psychotic behavior that simply puts a smile on all of us cat lovers' faces, even when those cats might be plotting to kill you.
Maine lags farther behind when it comes to dog ownership, with a 35.9 percentage rate. That's good enough for just 35th in the nation. However, it is good enough to be the highest ranked state in New England.
I love that I live in a state that cares so much about our furry friends. And as always, if you are looking for a pet, I strongly suggest visiting a shelter or rescue first. Our most vulnerable pets are always the most loving.
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