HuffPost Names Maine Town Among Most ‘Underrated’ Travel Destinations in the U.S.
There are a lot of places throughout the state of Maine that you'll find featured on a lot of national lists. Most of the time, it's places like Bar Harbor, Kennebunkport, Camden and Portland that get all the national praise.
But there's also many spots throughout Vacationland that are underrated. Places that hold that small town charm near and dear to their heart. Where spring and summer mean a boom in business. Town parades are a sense of pride. Seeing familiar faces isn't a nuisance, it's a welcomed sight.
HuffPost has released their list of the 17 places around the United States that are now 'underrated' travel destinations. These places have suddenly slipped under-the-radar but offer great activities, great food and a great chance to decompress. And you may be surprised to see the Maine town going shoulder to shoulder with some heavyweights.
Wiscasset, Maine, Named One of the Most 'Underrated' Destinations in America
The 'prettiest little village' in the state has long been a landmark for people traveling on Route One towards places like Boothbay Harbor, Camden and Rockland.
HuffPost believes people should park their cars and explore Wiscasset a little more. It's gone from overhyped to underrated. HuffPost believes it matches up next to other places on the list like Cleveland and Memphis if you're visiting in the summer.
Things You Should Do During a Visit to Wiscasset
HuffPost makes it clear that a trip to Wiscasset isn't going to a party. It's more about exploration, relaxation and a little indulgence.
There are many historical buildings to explore with some incredibly unique architecture and art to enjoy. For outdoor enthusiasts, there are scenic hiking trails and boat cruises available to those who want to soak up the sea air.
Don't Forget About the Lobster Rolls in Wiscasset
One of the most well-known and recognizable restaurants in Maine is in Wiscasset. You can't miss the long lines at Red's Eats during the peak season with everyone hoping to get their hands on a lobster roll.
Right across the way, there's also Sprague's Lobster, which has become the top choice for many visitors over the past few years. Lobster and more lobster.
You can check out the entire HuffPost 'underrated' travel destinations list here.
The Best Lobster Rolls in Maine, According to Locals
TripAdvisor's Top-20 Maine Lighthouses
Gallery Credit: Chris Sedenka