Why hasn't New Hampshire banned declawing cats yet?

As an animal lover, this really bothers me.

Even Veterinarians have said declawing cats is like cutting off fingers below the first joint.

Proposal to Ban Cat Declawing in New Hampshire

A NH State Representative in Laconia is responsible for the latest bill to ban declawing of cats, and he, as a cat owner, was responsible for the one previously that died in 2023.

According to nhpr.org, a vet in Keene said that most vets are "deeply uncomfortable" performing this surgery on cats.

Not only is it physically painful for them, but there is also behavioral changes.

This procedure is not just like cutting off their finger nails, it's surgery and there can be complications, just like any other surgery.

One Reddit user said:  "There is no such thing as declawing, they chop their toes off and it should be stopped because it is cruel and leaves the cat defenseless."

The Cat Daddy Says He is Anti-Declaw

If you've ever watched the TV show, My Cat From Hell,  you might know who Jackson Galaxy is.

He definitely does not like declawing a cat.  It brings all kinds of problems like:

  • 1.  More likely to bite.  If their claws are gone, they will revert to biting if threatened
  • 2.  Little box issues.  If their claws hurt after surgery, they may not use the litter box because they are in pain.
  • 3.  Phantom pain.  Just like humans, they may feel chronic phantom pain from the surgery.

If you want your cats declawed because you have furniture that you don't want them to scratch, then trade in your furniture for some stuff you don't care about, or don't get a cat.

A cat is going to do cat things, including scratching.

If you are afraid that they will bite your kids, you are actually increasing the chances if you declaw.

The 2023 Bill in New Hampshire Died

This same bill was introduced a couple of years ago in 2023, and it died.  Those legislators that were against the bill said that the operations were not performed often enough, so legislation wasn't necessary, according to the NHPR article.

The vet cited in that article said the first year that she had her practice, there were 16 procedures done.

READ MORE:  Here are 6 Dangerous, Possibly Deadly, New Hampshire Animals to Avoid

Declawing a cat is illegal in New York, Maryland and Washington, D.C.  Let's hope New Hampshire is next.

I have, in the past, had my cats declawed, and yes, I feel guilty about that.  Like Maya Angelou said, however, when you know better, you do better.

25 Endangered Animals in Maine

Here is a list of the 25 animals that are classified as endangered in Maine. These, along with species that are "threatened" in Maine can be found on the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife website.

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When it comes to house pets, are you a dog, cat, or ostrich person? Yes, ostrich. You may be surprised what pets you are legally allowed to own depending on what state you live in. Here is a list of 13 pets you can surprisingly own in the state of Maine.

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