New Hampshire Law Enforcement Sound Alarm on Impairment Risks in Summer Activities
Hampton Beach, New Hampshire
Hampton Beach officials get together every year to remind the public of summer safety tips. This year, their theme is "impairment", whether you are driving a vehicle, OHRV, or "just swimming in the ocean."
I'll be honest, I had to look up what an OHRV is. According to offroad-ed.com, it is an "Off-highway Recreational Vehicle." If it's used for pleasure purposes, runs on tires, tracks or cushion of air, depends on the ground or other surface for travel, and has an operator who sits on it, it's an OHRV. And you can get a DUI if you are riding it after a few too many.
State officials are also asking the public to "be part of the team", and if you "see something, say something."
The different organizations are teaming together to try to save lives, because they can't do it alone, according to the YouTube video below.
Rockingham County, home of the beaches in New Hampshire, has the highest rate of fatal alcohol and/or drug related crashes in New Hampshire.
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Other Safety Tips to Keep in Mind This Summer in New Hampshire
Swim at your own risk, according to NHStateparks.org
If you want to be extra safe, go to the beaches when the lifeguards are on-duty. They have guards at the following beaches:
- Jenness Beach
- Wallis Sands
- Hampton Beach
The lifeguards will tell you where the riptides are, and they ask you to leave your alcohol at home.
Officials also want you to be aware that we only have a small window for road construction, and the workers are in harm's way if you are an impaired driver. "Heads up, Phones Down."
It takes an easy decision not to do something stupid, like getting behind the wheel and driving after you've had too much alcohol. Even one drink, depending on how your body reacts to it, can be too much. Why risk it? Even if you don't particularly care about your own safety, think about others and make a good decision.
See you at the beach! I'll be your DD (not really, but I know a guy).
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