Exeter, New Hampshire, Police Department

How awesome is this?  The Exeter Police Department gave a ride to a WWII veteran for his 100th birthday party, and the PD said it was an honor.

What a Great Surprise for One of the Greatest Generation

Exeter, New Hampshire, resident Arthur Bourgeois got a big surprise this past weekend when Detective Bruce Page of the Exeter Police Department showed up.  Arthur didn't know what to think of it when the police car stopped right in front of him.  Detective Page explained that he was taking him to his surprise birthday party, where his family was waiting for him.

Better sit in the front

Arthur thought it would be best to ride in the front seat of the cruiser so his neighbors wouldn't think they were taking him in for something that he did, according to the Facebook post.  When asked about the ride, Arthur said that he was grateful that the detective didn't have to take off for any incidents that may have occurred during his time in the cruiser.

Arthur's son, Joe Bourgeois, came up with the idea of calling the Exeter PD.  Turning 100 is a big deal, but he didn't want anything that was over the top. So he decided to see if the Exeter PD would mind giving him a ride to his birthday party.  Detective Page said that it was his honor to do so.

This New Hampshire Resident's Answer to "What is the Key to a Long Life?"

When asked about what Arthur's key to a long life is, he said that if you asked his son, he would say, "Eating a banana a day, and eating lots of onions."

Arthur's actual 100th birthday is May 22.  Let's wish him a happy birthday!

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