The One Piece of Advice New Hampshire’s Adam Sandler Ignored From His NYU Professor
Normally, students listen to their college professors.
For the most part, college professors help guide students to the future they want...but not New Hampshire's Adam Sandler.
Did Adam Sandler Go to College?
Adam Sandler graduated from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts in 1988 with a bachelor's degree in acting.
At NYU, a college professor gave Adam Sandler advice that would (maybe) change the rest of his life.
Adam Sandler Collge Proffessor Story:
A nameless NYU professor took Adam Sandler out for a beer and gave him his best professional advice for the Sand-Man...
Give up acting.
According to Brad Pitt in a 10Play article, Sandler's professor said, ‘Think about something else. Listen, you got heart, but you don’t have it. Choose another path.”
Obviously, Adam Sandler did not listen - and thank goodness he did not!
But it is what took place years later that exemplifies just who Adam Sandler is as a person...
Years later, Sandler was out with friends and happened to bump into his former NYU professor...the one who told him to give up acting and "choose another path."
Instead of ragging on the professor, or bringing up the advice at all, Sandler simply introduced his friends by saying, "‘This is the only teacher to ever buy me a beer'.
The Sand-Man - a real stand-up guy!
Keep scrolling to see photos of Adam Sandler through the years:
New Hampshire's Adam Sandler: In Photos
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Gallery Credit: Jolana Miller