We are so fortunate to live in a state where nature is truly among us. We get to see wildlife way more often than folks living in big cities. Don't get me wrong, city life had it's perks but I never saw a deer and her fawns on my way to work when I lived in Boston. But now I do; several times a week!  I have to say it's pretty cool.

The folks at M2 Mechanical in Exeter, New Hampshire, got some pretty adorable visitors this week and shared the photo to the U Local New Hampshire Facebook Page,

Jennifer Murphy via U local New Hampshire Facebook
Jennifer Murphy via U local New Hampshire Facebook

Of course the comments came pouring in because it doesn't get sweeter than that, right? Commenters expressed how tempted they are to pet these precious furballs even though they know it's not a great idea. Also there was a lot of curiosity around where mama Bobcat is!

Female bobcats are notoriously very protective of their young and are not afraid to bite, scratch and attack any human who handles their babies. So needless to say petting these babies wouldn't be a wise decision.

What should you do if you come across a baby bobcat?

After you snap a photo for social media of course (lol jk) Operation Wildlife says you should keep your distance and quietly back away. It also may be smart to take any pets inside. However you should let your presence be known by making noise or talking to the bobcat. If the bobcat approaches resist the urge to scream like a newborn baby. The site suggests to stomp your feet, clap your hands, or yell loudly.

Have you ever spotted a bobcat on your property?

Mistakes Tourists Make When Visiting New Hampshire

Whether it's trying to pack too much in to one trip (figuratively and also literally ion their suitcase) or choosing to dine at the tourist traps over the mom and pop shops, people who visit New Hampshire deserve to experience all our fine state has to offer. Let the mistakes of tourists from our past help shape your visit in the future.

Gallery Credit: Kira

12 New Hampshire Fun Facts to Test Your Knowledge

Gallery Credit: Megan