Legal or Not? Christmas Lights on Cars in New Hampshire
It's a newer trend you see on the roads, especially this holiday season.
Cars or trucks are covered in lights rolling down the streets in Hometown USA. You may see them on the highways, with their lights aglow, and while it looks so festive, and seems like a great idea, is it?
Some off market manufacturers have custom sized lights to light up your vehicle for the holidays. But there is a problem.
Most of these vendors sell festive lights of red, blue, green and white, and it looks great cruising down the road all lit up like a Christmas tree on wheels.
But Is It Legal?
Since this is a new phenomenon, people in New Hampshire and across the country
may not be aware of the law about lights.
According to New Hampshire law, blue lights are reserved exclusively for law enforcement, State Department of Corrections, and emergency response vehicles.
No other vehicles are allowed to use flashing blue lights.
These Colors Are Not Allowed
In addition to blue light rules, gencourt.state.nh.us red lights are only used for police, fire, and rescue vehicles stating,
No person other than those authorized in this section shall operate a vehicle equipped with red colored emergency lights
In Wyoming, a flashing, multi-colored light covered vehicle was stopped due to the laws in place prohibiting any other vehicles besides the above mentioned vehicles from using red or blue lights. This car also had green and white lights, but that didn't matter.
In the question, "Is it legal?", technically it is not and you can be stopped for this violation, however if the vehicle is in a parade, or holiday event, generally local law enforcement may not mind so much, according to knowinsiders.com.
Read More: Honking at Green Light Ok?
Is it worth the risk? Only you can answer that, but all white lights is a different ballgame. (wink wink), get the holiday light magnets for your vehicle. They won't light up, but are still fun for the holidays.
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Gallery Credit: Meg