For the most part, we don't have massive insects in North America. If you have spotted a ginormous hairy mother of a spider, chances are, it was not in the wild. It was most likely behind glass at a zoo or science center.

In college, I studied abroad for a semester in Australia. The experience was one of the best times of my life. I loved it al, from the people to the food and weather. But there was one thing I didn't love: GIANT SPIDERS IN MY BED. Yes, it happened. On more than one occasion. I'm sure it is climate-related, but Australia is home to some of the biggest insects I have seen in all of my days. For some, it's enough to never want to go back. I wouldn't take it that far.

Because it is so rare to see massive bugs in America, it is particularly surprising and worrisome that we are being told that Joro spiders are making their way up the East Coast.

According to, word that Joro spiders are heading our way is traveling WAY faster than the actual spiders can move. So that is reassuring.

What is a Joro Spider?

The female Joro spider can grow three-to-four inches across when its legs are fully extended, and has bright yellow and blue-black markings with a red underbelly.


The male Joro is much smaller, has a brownish-red color, and is often seen in the female's web. How about that? The female is bigger and more of a baddie than the male. God, I love nature.

The Joro spider is native to East Asia and is found throughout China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan.

How did the Joro spider get here?

The site goes on to explain that the Joro spider has been spreading across North America since the 2010s. The first one was spotted in Georgia in 2013, and likely "hitched a ride" in a shipping container from East Asia.

What happens if a Joro spider bites you?

It is venomous, but rarely bites humans. Joro venom is made for subduing small insect prey, and its venom is not deadly to people. If you do get stung by a Joro spider, it will hurt less than a bee sting.

How fast are they traveling up the East Coast?

In short, not that fast. The site explains it's likely not something we have to worry about this year. However, in the next decade? Probably. The closest sighting to us has been in Maryland.

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