You are a dog owner, and your dog is a big part of the family. Much like children, you want the best for them, but sometimes there may be a few things that bug you about having a pet.

It's no surprise that Forbes Advisor talked to over ten thousand dog owners across the U.S., and came up with a list of common themes, common pet peeves about owning a dog, or caring for a pet.

Pets provide huge comfort and quite a lot of enjoyment for owners, but there seems to be some common annoyances, which are part of the gig.

The survey broke down answers from each state, and in New Hampshire, here are the top pet peeves about, well, your pets.

 Finding a Dog Sitter

This is the top pet peeve of not only dog owners in New Hampshire, but across the country for 43 out of 50 states.

How do you find a good dog sitter when going out of town and your family or friends are unavailable?  It's a tough task, and one many people struggle with.  Many don't want to put their pooch in a kennel for various reasons, but finding a loving home for a few days or a week can be very stressful.

Excessive Barking

Dogs bark, but constant barking is annoying for the pet owners and anyone around the animal.  It's a behavior that is irritating, and it's the second highest pet peeve among Granite State residents.

Excessive Shedding

The third top annoyance for dog owners in New Hampshire is the hair which comes off a dog.  Dog hair on all surfaces in your home, your car, and your clothes is a pain, but regular grooming can help curb that, although many pups do not like to be brushed.  It's the constant cleaning which is the crux of the problem.

If you own a dog, you may or may not agree with these as the biggest pet peeves, but usually, one of these three is something causing stress.  It's a good thing your dog is so adorable and can temper that stress.

The 10 Most Dangerous Plants For Dogs

15 Reliable Dog Grooming Businesses in New Hampshire

Here are some of the top dog grooming businesses in New Hampshire. Have you tried any of them?

Gallery Credit: Riley