This New England State is Voted the #1 One Safest State for Pedestrians
When it comes to pedestrian safety, I might feel a little more passionately about this subject than some. In 2018, my husband was hit by a car while crossing the street (in a crosswalk) in Beverly, Massachusetts. He (THANKFULLY) was okay, but had a long road to recovery with several painful surgeries and many months of physical therapy. Needless to say, pedestrian safety is top of mind for our family.
A company by the name of Connecticut Trial Firm analyzed each of the 50 states and how safe each one is for pedestrians, and ranked them accordingly.
The site states that an experience like my husband's is more common in our country than you might think. Nearly one in five Americans faced a situation where either they or a family member had been hit by a car or experienced a near-miss within the last year. That is a shocking statistic!
What's even more shocking, Massachusetts came in at #1 as the safest state in the U.S for pedestrians.
Even with my personal experience aside, I find the findings of this survey a little hard to believe. How is Massachusetts the safest state versus states that have a way lower population and less congestion?
New Hampshire came in as #3 safest state for pedestrians. I can believe that stat a little more.
The site explained that in order to diagnose the pressing concerns about America’s street safety, they analyzed public data, including state populations and pedestrian fatality rates.
The determination of Massachusetts being the safest state was based on it having the lowest fatality rate of 8.50 deaths per 100,000 residents. Mississippi poses maximum danger with a pedestrian death rate of 33.40 per 100,000 people.
Feel free to explore the full study here. Do you agree with their findings?
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