Portsmouth, New Hampshire Community Garden Underway
Editor's note: This article was written by a Townsquare Media Northern New England contributor and may contain the individual's views, opinions or personal experiences.
As a Portsmouth resident, nearly every day I drive by the park and ride on route 33.
This is what it looks like. Used to look like, I should say.
Ironically, this is where I take my dogs off-leash, go on long nature walks, and proposed to my fiancé.
Turns out this little gem of an area is also turning into the Portsmouth Community garden.
Here's what it's starting to look like.
When I first saw the 10-foot fence posts going in, I immediately thought of a dog park.
Upon some investigating, I found out it is in fact going to be a community garden.
"The City of Portsmouth designated the ride-share parking lot on route 33 for the community garden space," according to the community garden website. "This unused, open space with parking, sun exposure, and flat topography is perfectly suited for gardening space. In addition, it is a major gateway corridor location with excellent visibility and, importantly, is bike and walking path accessible."
To become part of the Portsmouth community garden, you must apply. There are three steps to the application: a form, waiver, and payment, according to the website.
As someone who knows nothing about community gardens, I was fascinated to learn how it works. When you pay to join, you choose between two plots of gardening space: a four feet by eight feet plot or an eight feet by sixteen feet plot.
4 X 8 = $45 per year.
8 X 16 = $60 per year.
Within your plot, usually separated by rock, stone, or some kind of walking path, you are able to plant whatever you would like. Based on the pictures, I believe there will be wood chips separating each plot.
The plots are all booked for the 2022 planting season; however, keep checking back to see if plots open up or to sign up for a space in 2023.
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