Saturday Is ‘Take Back Day’ Here On The NH’s Seacoast
Editor's note: This article was written by a Townsquare Media Northern New England radio personality and may contain the individual's views, opinions or personal experiences.
If you've never participated in 'Take Back Day' with your old and unused medication, your opportunity is coming up on Saturday April 24th from 10AM until 2PM and it's incredibly easy and fun to do!
National 'Take Back Day'
Saturday April 24th, 2021 from 10AM until 2PM
This time works for literally every single Police Department on NH's Seacoast as you can clearly see here on the DEA website.
They also will be collecting unused medication at UNH's Health and wellness center.
I've talked about how discreet this process is until I'm blue in the face but you can actually see it happen here in the above report form WMUR-TV.
Every year or so, I love to spread the word about this because it's not only a terrific idea, but it is run so smoothly.
Your Nana's old antibiotics? Bring them!
Your Great Uncle's pain pills from the 1940's? Take them back!
Even that suspect looking bag of oregano that you were scammed on back in high school? Put it all together and hand it off!
They'll take it from you with a friendly smile and add it to the pile with literally no questions asked!
You don't have to give your name or even make eye contact if you don't want to.
In fact, I was given a nice swag bag in return that had a pencil and pen set and some candy and fridge magnets.
I can't guarantee you're going to get any cool prizes but I can guarantee that 'Take Back Day' is one of the easiest events you'll ever participate in.
Don't forget! This Saturday from 10AM - 2PM.