Study Shows Great White Sharks Hang Out Close to Shore on the New England Coastline
Editor's note: This article was written by a Townsquare Media Northern New England radio personality and may contain the individual's views, opinions or personal experiences.
We have all seen reports about Great White Shark sightings in our area over the past couple of years.
Scientists have been hard a working tagging and studying Great White Shark behavior and have some shocking results, according to amp.capecodtiimes.com.
Hang on to your floaties, because the study shows that Great White sharks spent an average of 47 percent of their time in water less than 15 feet deep, the article stated.
Suzanne Grout Thomas, Wellfleet community services director and beach administrator, told the Cape Cod Times, “We got so many pings (detections) off our buoys last summer it was ridiculous. ... I would not be surprised if the average beachgoer was shocked.”
According to the Cape Cod Times, there have been four Great White Shark attacks in our area since 2012, including the first fatal attack that occurred in Maine last year, the attack on Arthur Medici in Wellfleet, and the kayakers in Plymouth in 2014.
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