Farmington Woman Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy Charges Farmington Woman Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy Charges Attorney General John M. Formell said that Angelica Soule, 35, worked with Frank's Taxi of Somersworth to make the fraudulent claims which totaled $20,000.Dan AlexanderDan Alexander
Vandalized Headstones at Farmington, NH Cemetery RepairedVandalized Headstones at Farmington, NH Cemetery RepairedSome of the nearly 100 vandalized gravestones will have to be repaired by specialists because of the age.Dan AlexanderDan AlexanderKimberley HaasKimberley Haas
Woman Wanted in Rochester, NH Crashes Pick Up in MaineWoman Wanted in Rochester, NH Crashes Pick Up in MaineMary Jo Hefferon is sought in connection with a stolen Ford F150 pickup in Rochester but crashed a Chevy on the Maine Turnpike Monday.Dan AlexanderDan Alexander