This 282-Year-Old Hotel in Hampton, New Hampshire, is Not HauntedThis 282-Year-Old Hotel in Hampton, New Hampshire, is Not HauntedLegend has it that if you stay at Lamie's Inn, you will awaken well-rested and ready to start the day.Jon RinemanJon Rineman
Salem, Massachusetts, Barely Makes List of Most Haunted CitiesSalem, Massachusetts, Barely Makes List of Most Haunted CitiesSee the cities that finished ahead of New England's Halloween Hub.Jon RinemanJon Rineman
Visit These 7 Halloween Haunted Houses in New Hampshire and MaineVisit These 7 Halloween Haunted Houses in New Hampshire and MaineI scare way too easily to step foot into one of these haunted houses but I will live vicariously through you. Meghan MorrisonMeghan Morrison