For those eyeing a change of scenery to stretch their retirement dollars, Maine’s affordability might not be as dreamy as we’d hope. In fact, it's among the worst.
Ed and Elaine Brown of Plainfield, New Hampshire, tried to avoid paying their taxes and got thrown in jail, leaving behind what is now one of the most beautiful properties in the state.
We've all done it. Loaded all the required info needed into a "free" online tax filing company, only to find out they want some sort of payment at the very end before you submit. Well, relief for many is here.
The IRS and State of Maine Revenue Services recently announced that some individuals and businesses affected by severe storms and flooding in January will now have until this summer to file their taxes.
When I first moved here and was told New Hampshire doesn't have sales tax on goods and services, you can imagine my shock when the very first two things I bought were taxed.