The Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion Made a Big Change
Something new and fresh is in the air in Gilford, New Hampshire.
The venue we all know and love has made a big change.
It used to be known as "Meadowbrook Pavilion", and scored high marks with awards over the years as one of the most-loved music venues. Concertgoers also share the love of this 9,000-seat amphitheater set on the beautiful shores of Lake Winnipesaukee.
Then a sponsor came in, and the amphitheater became the "Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion". The Bank of New Hampshire sponsorship remains committed to the venue, but what has changed is the actual name of the amphitheater.
The fun-loving, music-filled, award-winning venue is now officially known as the "BankNH Pavilion". Easier to say, right? Easier to write and communicate, too.
There's also a new slick logo with new colors and a very hip feel.
The website remains the same as it's always been. It's BankNHPavilion.com. Which reminds me to tell you: do not order parking nor tickets from any of the other fake websites which sometimes are very close to the banknhpavilion.com. They are not the official site of our precious pavilion on the shores of our grandest New Hampshire lake.
Get ready for another great season of shows, fun times, and a friendly staff.
Oh, and if you've never been to BankNH Pavilion, what are you waiting for? It's easy in, easy out, and you feel so close to the stage.
Congrats, BankNH Pavilion, on your name change and logo update. We can't wait for the 2024 season to begin.
20 Things to Know Before You Go to BankNH Pavilion
Gallery Credit: Ginny Rogers
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Gallery Credit: Ginny Rogers
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