These Are the Top 20 Maine Museums According to TripAdvisor Users
Editor's note: This article was written by a Townsquare Media Northern New England contributor and may contain the individual's views, opinions or personal experiences.
Have you ever wondered how the rest of the world looks at Maine? Well, I do all the time, because I'm clearly image-conscience. However, I'm not talking about us personally. I'm wondering what those from away think about the very things that make Maine...well...Maine.
With tourist season upon us, I decided to take a look at travel site TripAdvisor's Maine page. I wanted to see what those outsiders thought of our most cherished landmarks, beaches, breweries, and outings.
Below is a list of the Top 20 Museums in Maine based on TripAdvisor's 'Traveler Favorites.' Those rankings are based on ratings, reviews, photos, and popularity.
It is no surprise to see many of the state's well-known institutions on the list. Museum's like the Portland Museum of Art, Victoria Mansion, Maine Maritime Museum, and the Maine State Museum were inevitable. However, there were a few glaring omissions
I was quite shocked to see the Children's Museum and Theater landed just 38th on the list. Also, every kid from Southern Maine is shocked to not see the Tate House on there. We all know that house like we live there, and I could literally draw you a floor map from the number of times we took field trips to it. That said, I do think the TripAdvisor users did pretty well.
You can see the entire list below, from the Portland Museum of Art to the 5th Maine Museum. How many of these have you been to? How many do you plan to go to? How do you think the TripAdvisor users did?