Editor's note: This article was written by a Townsquare Media Northern New England contributor and may contain the individual's views, opinions, or personal experiences.

There’s nothing like setting up a nice birdfeeder in your yard and watching colorful robins, orioles and blue jays stop by for a snack. So…mark your calendar for December 1st, as that’s the first day it’s safe to hang a feeder for whatever birds decide to stick it out for a New England winter.

As you may have read, the Seacoast area has been on the lookout for a family of black bears that have made themselves comfortable in back yards – and in some cases, back porches. And according to Andrew Timmins of the New Hampshire Fish & Game Department, birdfeeders are often the top culprit when it comes to unwanted bear encounters.

“Bears come into residential areas because there’s lots of quality food there,” says Timmins. “And that comes in the form of birdfeeders, unsecured garbage, unprotected chickens, pet food left outside, those types of things.”

In fact, Timmins recommends that New Hampshire residents take their birdfeeders down from April 1st until December 1st each year as a preventative measure. “The one that most people feed is the black-oil sunflower seed,” he explains, “which is just very nutritious for any wildlife species.”

Including, perhaps, the bobcats that have been seen not far from the black bears.

A point Timmins wanted to emphasize is not the “danger” bears pose to humans, but rather, their typically contentious relationship with another species: dogs.

“Bears do not come into yards and chase dogs or go after dogs,” he says. “What can happen is, if you have an aggressive dog that will chase the bear, one of two things may happen: that bear may climb a tree, or the bear may kind of square off with the dog and challenge the dog."

He continued...

“When we have issues between bears and dogs, and the dog acts aggressive and goes after the bear, then the bear turns around and tries to dominate the dog, and chases the dog. And what usually happens with most of these dogs is once it feels like it’s being chased or scared, it runs right back to the owner. So then, suddenly you have a charging bear coming after a dog that’s now hiding between the owner’s legs.”

For more information on what to do if you encounter a bear, listen to Andrew Timmins’ full interview by CLICKING HERE. The interview begins at approximately 34:30.

7 Invasive Insect Species That Can Damage Crops and Other Plants in New Hampshire

In an effort to inform the public on the types of invasive species that are known to be found in their state, the USDA offers a handy dandy "Pest Tracker". This allows you to simply click the name of your state from the drop-down menu provided to see pictures of the different insects and weeds, along with descriptions of the type of plant life they target and the damage they can do if they're not dealt with.

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