A decade behind a microphone already, huh? That feels absolutely insane to say, but radio is the one thing I've always known and fell in love with. 10 years of the industry hustle later, and I'm lucky enough to have earned the most iconic morning show in Maine on Q97.9 that's now called Krissy in the Morning. Everyone says it's a radio hosts job to make their audience laugh, but I think I laugh the hardest when you're a part of the show. I mean every morning I never know what I'm walking into on-air, and that's what keeps things exciting. Oh you were in the middle of a sentence and forgot what you were going to say? Amazing. Your kid is in your backseat on the way to school with you? Put them on the phone. I love it all. I thrive in the chaos, it's transparent. I'm a rollerblade girly, don't laugh if you see me on the streets straight wheelin'. My 100 pound golden-doodle thinks he owns my jeep, apartment and my shoes. He's ignorant, but hilarious. Dog mom's deserve a trophy. Bootcamp, laughing, spongebob Mac & cheese, hiking, making fun of my friends, all favorite parts of my day. I don't know how to speak without touching you, so I'm sorry ahead of time. Dancing in public is a need, not a want. Smile, not everything has to be that bad. #NeverNotDancing