Big Outdoor Stadiums in Maine Can Now Serve Liquor Along With Beer and Wine
Editor's note: This article was written by a Townsquare Media Northern New England contributor and may contain the individual's views, opinions or personal experiences.
If a beer just won't cut it, three outdoor stadiums in Maine can now sell liquor.
A bill changes the liquor licensing laws for outdoor stadiums that will let those venues serve up the hard stuff all the time. Before this bill, if a stadium wanted to serve something outside the beer and wine box would have to get a permit for every event. The new bill passed makes it easier so that stadiums with more than 3,000 seats can sell hard liquor.
The three stadiums that would be affected would be Hadlock Field in Portland, the Maine Savings Amphitheater in Bangor, and the Oxford Plains Speedway in Oxford.
Don't plan on getting a margarita at a Sea Dog game anytime soon. According to MaineBiz, the Portland Sea Dogs have no plans to sell liquor this season, but it could be in their future.
No word on plans for alcohol up in Bangor or at Oxford Plains Speedway. But Oxford Plains has their season opener Sunday, April 24 and one way to find out is to head up there and order a drink and see if they have it!
Usually, things like this take three months to enact, but this was passed as an emergency - so it really could be available this weekend! Maine seems to be loosening up with the booze. Last month a bill was approved that let restaurants sell to-go alcoholic drinks until 2025. I guess not everything from the pandemic was all that bad...
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