Did You Know the State With the Most Dunkin’ Locations Isn’t Even in New England?
Editor's note: This article was written by a Townsquare Media Northern New England contributor and may contain the individual's views, opinions, or personal experiences.
Dunkin' has done a lot of growing over the years. It used to be just a New England thing, but now there are 9,370 Dunkin's across all but six states in the country. It may be nationwide, but its roots are here in New England. Despite that fact, the state with the most Dunkin's isn't in the region where it started.
According to Wikipedia, William Rosenberg opened a restaurant and donut shop in Quincy, Massachusetts in 1948. Not exactly a catchy name though. So in 1950, he changed it to Dunkin' Donuts, because that's what you did with your donut. You dunked it in your coffee. At one time, Dunkin' even sold plain donuts with a small handle to grab when you dunked them.
The original Dunkin' Donuts that Rosenberg opened in 1950 is still in business today in Quincy. It's been modernized, but still has the original Dunkin Donuts logo on the building.
So you would think with its roots in New England that there would be the most Dunkin's here, but that's far from the case.
According to ScrapeHero, Dunkin's home state of Massachusetts ranks number two on the list of states with the most Dunkin's at 1,098. The state of New York comes in at number one with 1,430 Dunkin's with 167 of them in New York City. I suppose it makes sense. More people. More Dunkin's
There are five states in the county that have no Dunkin's. Oregon, North Dakota, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and South Dakota are all Dunkinless. How do they live with themselves?
So where do Maine and New Hampshire rank? According to Vinepair, Maine has 163 Dunkin's and New Hampshire comes in with 223. Nothing in comparison to Massachusetts and New York, but enough so that you never have to travel very far for your Dunkin'.
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