Incredible Act of Kindness: Maine Couple Spends $2,400 on Random People’s Purchases in NH
Editor's note: This article was written by a Townsquare Media Northern New England contributor and may contain the individual's views, opinions, or personal experiences.
It’s always nice to see positive headlines when you’re scrolling through social media or watching the news. We’re often bombarded with negative stories and a positive feel-good story is a breath of fresh air.
Random acts of kindness stories are fun to share, mostly because they make you feel good but also for the hopes of possibly inspiring others to go out of their way to do something nice for someone else when given the opportunity.
Random Act of Kindness in New Hampshire
A Maine couple put the “kindness” in Chaos and Kindness recently at the clothing storefront in New Hampshire.
Chaos and Kindness posted on Facebook sharing the story that a couple from Maine visited the store and spent $2,400 on random people’s purchases.
I’ve paid tolls for the car behind me on the interstate but I’ve never done anything this generous.
Going out of your way to give to others without expecting anything in return is a beautiful thing. While your good deeds and generous moments don't need to be this extreme, any random act of kindness is a simple way to change the course of someone’s day.
If you read through the comments on the Facebook post, it seems this is not out of character for the Maine couple. It sounds like this is just the type of thing they do, generously helping others in any way they can.
It’s always wonderful to hear stories like this but it’s even more special when it’s people from your home state spreading the love.
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