My parents are both retired now, but they spent their entire careers teaching. My mom was an elementary school Music teacher and my dad was a Biology, Theater, and then a TV Production teacher.

My parents always felt very fulfilled in their careers, but it is no secret that teaching can be a thankless job.

According to, education jobs are among the lowest-paying occupations that require a bachelor's degree. Many of my friends who are teachers also have their master's which means they completed more schooling and are still underpaid. And now with remote learning being a teacher is requiring more work than ever!

However, it is not the same across the board. In some states teachers are more fairly paid and protected against the pandemic than others. compared different factors that contribute to a state's teacher friendliness. From there they were able to build a list from the best state to the worst state for teachers.

New Hampshire ranked the absolute worst for teachers at the very bottom of the list. This makes me very sad. Teaching is one of the most noble jobs you can have. Our teachers deserve a livable wage and a high quality of life. I want things to be better for our teachers in the Granite State!

So what factors did they take into account? Well, they analyzed the average salaries for teachers, the turnover rate, student to teacher ratios, best and worst school systems and more.

You can view the complete study here.

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