Ahhhh, a personality hire's time to shine, April Fools' Day. This year, I noticed more businesses participating in the tomfoolery than ever. I love it though. It shows that we're not robots, and that businesses can have fun too. Here's a few of my favorites so far. My co-workers and I agreed that these were well-thought-out and easily look like they were prepared for a morning launch.

Our beloved Shipyard Brewing hit us with a "clam chowder IPA". This is absolutely disgusting. Good work guys. I do have to give credit to the digital dude who photoshopped this, because I can't even look at it without wanting to vomit. Good work here.

Alright, next up. My dudes over at @Portlandoldport are not letting us down here. I can't even imagine a Hooters in the Old Port. Truthfully, I can't even imagine anybody who still goes to Hooters, let alone it replacing an iconic former bar like Doc Fore. Anyways, well done in the digital department.

Alright, last but not least. Our beloved Dunkin' tried to convince us that they've changed their name to just DONUTS' this time. I love the follow through here. They even went as far as to change their profile picture to their new "name", and look. If you're gonna prank the world, you gotta do it right like this. Well done, DONUT's. I'll see you for my third iced coffee of the day right after work.

10 Tips To Keep Maine Black Bears Out Of Your Yard

Now that Spring is here, the bears are back...and they are hungry!

Gallery Credit: Arlen Jameson

32 Maine Restaurants That are Worth a Long Drive to Get to

Thanks to our great listeners we were able to compile a list of many of Maine's great restaurants, cafes, pubs and bakeries that are worth a long drive to get to.

These great spots can be found across the state and waiting for you to give them a try.

How many have you been to?

Gallery Credit: Chris Sedenka