I know what you're thinking. Allen's Coffee Brandy is the top dog of Maine when it comes to liquor. However, myself and realsimple.com seem to have a different point of view nowadays.

As a former bartender in the Old Port, I can actually count on one hand how many Allen's Coffee Brandy I've poured in five yeras. On the other hand, no pun intended, I've probably made well over a million margaritas for the state of Maine.

So it checks out that after realsimple.com used Google data to find the top cocktail in each state, they found that the margarita is the top dog in Maine, as well as New Hampshire, Connecticut, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Tennessee, and Massachusetts.

I think it's safe to say Allen's Coffee Brandy has officially been dethroned in the state of Maine.

Investigating further on Google university, (technically portlandpressherald.com) I found this:

"Mainers now spend more on Fireball Cinnamon Whisky and Tito’s Handmade Vodka than on the state’s longtime favorite spirit, Allen’s Coffee Flavored Brandy."

I will say, the top two drinks I'd be asked to make as a tender were Tito's soda, or a margarita with Hornito's or Casamigos.

12 Restaurants & Bars in Maine with Something Fun to Do While You Eat & Drink

I personally love a place that offers not only good food and drinks but something to do while I enjoy those things, especially when I’m with a group of friends. Here are a few places in Maine that offer activities while you sip and dine:

Gallery Credit: Meghan Morrison

These 14 New Hampshire Restaurants Have Some of the Best Cocktails Around

Gallery Credit: Megan