I’m going to date myself here, but I often think back to the days when not fastening your seatbelt was not only okay, but a safety mechanism that many people chose not to use. It’s kind of comparable to the not-so-popular helmet for bikers and skiers back in the day.

Well, a lot has changed since those days, including almost the entire country enacting seat belt laws. Although each state has different laws, New Hampshire is the only state in the U.S. where it’s not illegal to drive without fastening your seatbelt. Yup, the old “Live Free or Die” state takes its motto pretty seriously, even when it comes to cruising around in your vehicle.

While the rest of the country mandates buckling up, New Hampshire stands out with its laid-back attitude towards seat belt laws. If you’re over 18, you have the choice to strap in or ride free. It’s one of those things that makes New Hampshire, well, New Hampshire. So why is this the case? All I can think of is personal freedom. The state’s motto, “Live Free or Die,” isn’t just a catchy slogan. It’s a way of life.

According to WMUR, state lawmakers considered a bill to require seat belt laws in 2023, but nothing ever came of it. They also stated that the lawmakers at the forefront of the decision-making don't see the issue changing anytime soon.

Now, let’s be real for a second. Just because you can drive without a seat belt in New Hampshire doesn’t mean you should. There are a lot of conspiracy theories and misinformation floating around these days, but one fact that's been backed by science that is seat belts save lives. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, wearing a seat belt reduces the risk of fatal injury to front seat passengers by 45%.

Handsome black businessman fasten seat belt in his car, ready to go to office

At the end of the day, yes, New Hampshire’s relaxed seat belt law adds a bit of old-school, rebellious charm, but it’s important to remember that living free is great, but staying alive is even better.

It's Illegal to Throw These 5 Items in the Regular Trash in New Hampshire

Before just tossing something into your regular trash it is good to know what items are illegal to throw away in your state. It could be harmful to the environment and/or get you in trouble! Here are five items you might not realize are illegal to dispose of in the regular trash in New Hampshire.

Gallery Credit: Kira

It's Illegal to Throw These 5 Items in the Regular Trash in New Hampshire

Before just tossing something into your regular trash it is good to know what items are illegal to throw away in your state. It could be harmful to the environment and/or get you in trouble! Here are five items you might not realize are illegal to dispose of in the regular trash in New Hampshire.

Gallery Credit: Kira