So, this writer recently found herself in a predicament.

Flashback to this past Saturday. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and we finally had a day that was comfortably warm compared to the heat wave we'd been previously dealing with.

So, it's understandable that on a day like that, you're gonna want to put your shoes on and get out of the house to do something. Anything.

But, yours truly had a slight problem. When friends aren't free or live far away, you have no partner, and there's minimal family around, it can sometimes be hard to make last-minute plans with folks. So, sometimes you just gotta ride solo and take a day for yourself.

This writer's go-to place to hang out on such days is downtown Portsmouth, New Hampshire. It's always fun to visit all the cute shops (personal favorites are Sheafe Street Books, Pickwick's, Deadwick's, and  Book and Bar), grab coffee, and sit on a bench by the water at Prescott Park.

But still, all this talk of solo adventures got us thinking. What are some optimal New England day trip options that you can enjoy all by yourself? We took to Facebook to ask you, and got all kinds of great suggestions. So, let's take a look at some of them.

16 Solo Day Trip Ideas in New England

Gallery Credit: Megan Murphy

So, next time you find yourself with a free day off, now you've got some fun ideas for places to explore on your own. We hope you have a blast.

These Are 16 of the Best Donut Places in New Hampshire

Gallery Credit: Megan Murphy

The Seven Modern Wonders of New Hampshire

Gallery Credit: Megan Murphy

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