Road Trip Worthy: Still Time to Meet Over 20 Life-Size Dinosaurs at the Dino Safari in Boston
Editor's note: This article was written by a Townsquare Media Northern New England contributor and may contain the individual's views, opinions or personal experiences.
Everyone loves dinosaurs, that’s just a fact of life; that’s why there are one hundred different Jurassic Park movies and we keep coming out with more and making them longer each time.
Dinosaurs are cool and exciting regardless of age, making a life-size dinosaur expedition the perfect event for your whole family.
Dino Safari in Boston
Living in Portland is great because there are so many places that are just a day trip away but make for a really exciting mini vacation. Our neighbor, Boston, always has so much going on and fun new things to try that we don’t have here at home.
I think we can all agree it is well worth a drive to go do a walk-through expedition with full-scale dinosaurs. Right now, Boston is home to a dinosaur safari with 20+ full-scale, scientifically-accurate animatronic dinosaurs with both thrilling and educational perks.
There are activities throughout the expedition, virtual reality experiences, earthquakes erupting, and dinosaurs battling while you learn about how they evolved over time, where they lived, and discoveries that paleontologists have made about how they behaved.
This safari has been such a crowd-pleaser that they’ve added more dates and extended the event all the way until January 2, 2023. They’re open every day of the week with time slots available every half hour, so it’s super easy to book a trip whenever you want to go.
Here’s a little sneak peek:
Summer will be wrapping up soon and cold weather will be coming in and this thrilling walk-through expedition is the perfect way to spend an exciting day indoors when the weather doesn't permit outdoor activities. It'll be open until January, so you have plenty of time to check it out.
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