Spot Some Whales at First Chance Whale Watch in Kennebunk, Maine
Summer's at its peak, and we've got boats and cruises on the brain.
You might catch a glimpse of a whale or other sea creature while on a boat, but what if you're exclusively looking to see these large animals in their natural habitats?
Luckily, multiple whale watching ships in New England can make that happen. There's Granite State Whale Watch in Rye, New Hampshire, as well as Al Gauron in Hampton, New Hampshire.
But what if you're hoping to go to Maine for your whale watching experience? Well, look no further than First Chance Whale Watch in the scenic coastal town of Kennebunk, Maine. This writer visited here with some friends last year, and none of us were disappointed.
What Can You Expect on a First Chance Whale Watching Cruise?
It's simple, really. Upon parking and getting a copy of your tickets, you'll board the boat and embark on a five-hour whale watching excursion aboard Nick's Chance.
A good chunk of the time is spent traveling out to sea until you reach the area where the whales, including "Finbacks, Humpbacks, Minkes, the rare Blue Whale and the endangered Right Whale" tend to hang out, according to the website. As you arrive, keep your eyes peeled. When someone spots a whale, the ship's captain is great at not only getting closer to the animal and informing you about what you're seeing, but also maneuvering the ship so that everyone can get a good view.
Here's a video of a whale spotted on our cruise:
There are limited food and snack offerings on the boat, but it's probably best that you bring your own lunch, just in case. Oh, and these whale watching boats can also get very rocky, so they probably aren't the best for people prone to seasickness.
To learn more about First Chance and to reserve your tickets, click here. For information about their lobster cruises, click here.
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