Family Dollar Closing 1,000 Stores Nationwide, ME to Be AffectedFamily Dollar Closing 1,000 Stores Nationwide, ME to Be AffectedFamily Dollar has announced the company will be closing more than 1,000 stores nationwide, with some of its Maine locations likely to impacted.JoeyJoey
Study: Nearly 1 in 5 Maine Residents Are SmokersStudy: Nearly 1 in 5 Maine Residents Are SmokersA recent study from the CDC shows that more Maine residents are smokers than any other state in New England. JoeyJoey
Simple Law Popular in Other States Should Be Adopted by MaineSimple Law Popular in Other States Should Be Adopted by MaineGrowing consumer backlash has led to other states adopting new gym membership laws. Maine should follow suit quickly. JoeyJoey
New Study Shines Light on a Growing Problem for MaineNew Study Shines Light on a Growing Problem for MaineThe Pine Tree State is well behind its much healthier regional rivals. Chris SedenkaChris Sedenka
Maine Man Recounts Terrifying Experience He Went Through AloneMaine Man Recounts Terrifying Experience He Went Through AloneThe most terrifying part was he didn't understand what was happening.JaddJadd
Maine Named One of the Best States for Women's RightsMaine Named One of the Best States for Women's RightsWalletHub's annual list scores Maine very well, proving the state's care and drive for equality. Chris SedenkaChris Sedenka
5 of Top 10 Best Places to Live for Your Skin Are in Maine5 of Top 10 Best Places to Live for Your Skin Are in MaineWhat a great top 10 list to make health-wise, especially when it has to do with the largest organ in the body: your skin! Jolana MillerJolana Miller
Health Life Hack: Why We Should Only Eat New England-Made HoneyHealth Life Hack: Why We Should Only Eat New England-Made HoneyYou see, our local bees make local honey, which means the pollen they collect and bring back to their hive comes from the local plants of the state you live in.Jolana MillerJolana Miller
Howie Mandel-Inspired Idea Could Help New Englanders Fight GermsHowie Mandel-Inspired Idea Could Help New Englanders Fight GermsA recent talk with comedian Howie Mandel left me thinking, "There has to be a better way to deal with colds and flus in New England."Jon RinemanJon Rineman
To New Englanders Hoping to Stay Sober on St. Patrick's DayTo New Englanders Hoping to Stay Sober on St. Patrick's DayFrom one sober person to another: you can still live it up without feeling like you let yourself down.Jon RinemanJon Rineman