With eyebrow trends changing, the owner of Million Dollar Brows on Lafayette Road in Hampton Falls said she has seen a number of customers come in lately looking for ombre powder brows.

Ombre powder brows are a semi-permanent eyebrow styling technique that creates a soft shaded brow pencil look.

Elizabeth Smith, the owner of Million Dollar Brows, said semi-permanent and permanent makeup are becoming more widely accepted in the United States.

Permanent makeup is popular in Europe and Asia, she said.

"I feel like we're a teenager in the United States when it comes to permanent makeup," Smith said.


Ombre brows are created using a small machine to place dots of pigment on the skin. The technique is also called microshading, which is the little sister of microblading.

Microblading is a semi-permanent treatment where hair-like strokes are used instead of dots.

These treatments last one to three years.

Smith said eyebrows are in and there are benefits to having defined, thicker brows.

"Thin eyebrows make you look older. Full eyebrows make you look younger," Smith said.

Smith has been working in the beauty industry for over 10 years. She is licensed and certified in New Hampshire.

In June, Gov. Chris Sununu signed into law HB 70 HB 70, which makes it unlawful for any person who is not licensed to perform the microblading of eyebrows to do so unless that person has a current license to practice as a cosmetologist or an esthetician under RSA 313-A and has been issued a certificate.

Contact Managing News Editor Kimberley Haas at Kimberley.Haas@townsquaremedia.com.

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