Help This Maine Teddy Bear Find Its Owner for a Heartbreaking Reason
Editor's note: This article was written by a Townsquare Media Northern New England contributor and may contain the individual's views, opinions, or personal experiences.
Most of us have that special toy, stuffy, or blanket that got us through our childhood years. This piece of you is probably still in your life, even as an adult, tucked away somewhere safe because it’s so special that you couldn’t fathom giving it away.
My special stuffy is a Build-a-Bear monkey named Jessie who I wouldn’t give up for the world. I am 25 years old and if I lost this monkey I would lose myself. I’m sure most of you just have yours saved in a safe spot for memories but I actually still sleep with Jessie in my bed every night.
If I lost this thing, I would tear up the world trying to find it.
That is exactly what we are going to do for this teddy bear that is SO important for the owner to find.
Maine Teddy Bear Has Sons Ashes Inside, Might be in New Hampshire by Now
Goodwill Northern New England recently posted on Facebook asking for help locating a lost teddy bear.
As the post shares, they think the teddy bear was donated to the Windham, Maine, location but may have made its way to Hooksett, New Hampshire.
It is CRUCIAL that the owner gets this teddy bear back because it has a container of his son’s ashes inside!!
The owner has located Goodwill Northern New England and we all must keep our eyes out for this special bear. This is far beyond just a meaningful stuffed animal. It is so much bigger than that.
They are not entirely sure if the bear was donated to Goodwill but there’s a big chance, so they are doing their best to locate this bear.
My heart aches for this father and I pray he gets reunited with this special, special bear.
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