Downtown Dover would be more attractive to residents and tourists if it had some illumination that added color to the features that make the city unique, says a local man who is interested in getting a "City of Light" project started.

Ryan Fallon is a former resident who became interested in the concept when he read a news article about a planning committee for celebrations surrounding the 400th anniversary of Dover in 2023.

"I always want to see Dover be its best and I came up with an idea," Fallon said.

The idea was well-received but since Fallon would like the lighting to be put up on a more permanent basis, he decided to approach the city's arts commission and appeared before that board earlier this year.

Fallon envisions the water at Cocheco Falls, the trees near the Children's Museum of New Hampshire, the Broadway railway underpass and downtown bridges in Dover lit up.

Fallon points to the lights on the Memorial Bridge between Portsmouth and Kittery, Maine, as an example.

Fallon said on Friday that he is working with Port Lighting Systems in Seabrook and they are in the process of scheduling a date to do a demonstration for the arts commission and other city officials.

"I'm hoping in the month of October we can do the demo and get a vote to move forward and do fundraising in the winter/spring," Fallon wrote in a message.

Fallon plans to pay for the project through private and community fundraising.

Contact Managing News Editor Kimberley Haas at 

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