Portsmouth/Dover/Rochester: Here’s Where To Recycle Your Christmas Tree
Editor's note: This article was written by a Townsquare Media Northern New England radio personality and may contain the individual's views, opinions or personal experiences.
It's a sad time of year when you take your Christmas Tree down, only to be thrown away in the trash. I'm sure, or more that I'm hoping, there are benefits for the environment. For instance, the growing of the trees themselves is good for the air, right?
And when they are recycled properly, I bet they provide organic material that goes back in to the Earth and creates a whole bunch of ecosystem stuff that I couldn't possibly know of, am I right?
Anyway, according to pickyourownchristmastree.org, here are the details on what to do with your really dry Christmas Tree after you take it down.
Dover: The City of Dover Recycling Center on Mast Road will accept your real trees, but they have to be free of all ornaments, lights and anything else you thought looked pretty for Christmas. You can't bring them your old, rusty tree stand. Sorry about that. You can even bring your fake trees, too! You'll have to pay a fee for your fake tree, but awfully great that they will accept them as well. The Center hours are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Portsmouth: Portsmouth will accept your tree from now until mid-January on the same day that your trash and recyclables are taken. You can also take your tree to the Recycling Center on Peverly Hill Road in Portsmouth. Call for hours at 603-427-1530.
Rochester: The City of Rochester does not do curbside pickup for trees, but residents can bring Christmas trees to the Waste Management facility at 90 Rochester Neck Road.