Rye, New Hampshire, Hosts Forum Sunday as Boil Water Order Continues
As the Rye Water District's boil water week continues after three weeks, town and district officials will meet with residents on Sunday.
The order will continue after samples taken on Tuesday came back with no E. Coli contamination in any of the district's four wells. Coliform bacteria was found in a sample from the Baily Brook well.
The source of the contamination has not been determined yet, but the district announced Friday that the state Department of Environmental Services has ordered permanent, regular, system-wide chlorination of water. Only two of the state's 180 water systems don't chlorinate on a regular basis.
Two consecutive days of tests on samples that meet the state's clean water standards are needed to end the boil water order.
Sunday Afternoon Forum
The forum is scheduled at Rye Junior High School on Washington Road from 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. It will also be available via a live video stream.
Residents will have the chance to ask questions about the contamination issues and how the problem is being resolved, according to Rye Town Administrator Matt Scruton.
"Many staff, volunteers, and officials from the Town, Rye Water District, and NHDES are willingly giving up time out of their weekend to make this event possible for the public to attend and find answers to their questions and concerns," Scruton told Seacoast Current.
Scruton said the town is appreciative of everyone's patience while the Water District works with the NH DES and water engineering firm Wright Pierce toward the goal of clean and safe drinking water.
Scruton said the town has distributed nearly 4,000 free cases of water at the firehouse. Members of the fire and police departments, DPW, and the water district helped hand out the water. Community groups like the Lions Club and Rye Senior SERVE also helped.
"The bottled water distribution helps meet a basic need of the residents, but it also sends a message to the community that we are here and that we care," Scruton said.
Contact reporter Dan Alexander at Dan.Alexander@townsquaremedia.com or via Twitter @DanAlexanderNH