Unique Wedding Band Found in Milton, New Hampshire, is Still Unclaimed
Editor's note: This article was written by a Townsquare Media Northern New England contributor and may contain the individual's views, opinions or personal experiences.
If you have ever lost or misplaced your wedding ring, you know what a horrible feeling it is. It almost feels like a part of you is missing! With a loss like that, all kinds of guilt and sadness kick in because it is so much more than a piece of jewelry. I'm sure whoever lost this ring in Milton, New Hampshire, has been searching for it all over God's green earth. We hope that we can help reunite this ring with its rightful owner.
Kassandra Lee is a wedding photographer here in New Hampshire. Because of her profession, Kassandra has a major soft spot in her heart for anything wedding-related. When she found this very unique size 12 wedding band in the sand on the resident beach behind Pineland Park, she became determined to figure out who it belongs to.
Kassandra reached out all of the surrounding police departments, posted about it on various Facebook groups, and basically did everything she could think of! It has been months since she found the ring, and the owner has yet to come forward.
What's going on here? The romantic in me is choosing to believe the owner is still out there and happily married to their husband/wife. They would be thrilled to be reunited with their long lost ring!
If you have any leads, please reach out to me directly at kira.lew@townsquaremedia.com. Anyone who claims the ring belongs to them will be asked to provide proof with photo documentation.