WATCH: New Hampshire Woman Serves Humor While Clearing Out Snow
Editor's note: This article was written by a Townsquare Media Northern New England contributor and may contain the individual's views, opinions, or personal experiences.
Clearing snow is never a fun time, especially if you have to shovel. Sure, plowing makes the snow get out of your way faster, but neither plowing nor shoveling is a fun activity that we look forward to doing after it snows outside.
I don't need to tell you that it's cold outside. Heck, it's cold even when it is not snowing in New England in the winter. We have to put on layers and layers of clothes to try to keep warm, and running outside for 30 minutes to plow doesn't change that.
Well, you can still bundle up, but make snow plowing more amusing for you, your family, and your neighbors.
Scrolling through Instagram I came across a video posted by WMUR Channel 9, that caused me to have a few questions.
Who is this woman? Where in New Hampshire does she live? Can we be friends?
Not going to lie, I would probably do the same thing! Would I dress up in a unicorn inflatable? Maybe. To be honest, I would probably go with the inflatable T-Rex myself.
Unfortunately, I was unable to find out exactly who this mother from New Hampshire is, however, I love that she either wants to have fun in the snow or simply just find a way to embarrass her kid(s).
Granted this was in New Hampshire, you may see it again soon somewhere near you. Yup, that's right, keep your eyes open while your neighbors are plowing, because this is actually a trend that is going around.
According to Yahoo!, moms wearing inflatable unicorns has been a viral trend since 2019, and honestly, I am here for it.