80 Vehicles Stopped on NH’s Routes 95, 101 During Saturation Patrol
There really were a lot of New Hampshire State Police patrolling Routes 95 and 101 on Monday night.
80 vehicles were stopped as part of a saturation patrol for both commercial motor vehicle enforcement and identifying operators who failed to move over for emergency vehicles as required.
During the patrol between 6 p.m. and midnight, 43 passenger vehicles and 37 commercial motor vehicles were stopped, according to State Police.
Two commercial motor vehicles were taken out-of-service for equipment violations that made them unsafe for the roadway. Four commercial motor vehicle operators were taken off the road due to various hours of service violations.
19 passenger vehicles and 1 commercial motor vehicle were stopped for failing to move over in compliance with the New Hampshire Move Over Law. It requires drivers to move to an adjacent lane when they come upon stationary vehicles on the side of the road with blue, red, or amber flashing lights.
If the lane is blocked, maintain a reduced speed and give a wide berth.
Other stops during the saturation patrol included:
- 1 arrest for driving while intoxicated, of a driver who failed to move over.
- 1 arrest for operating after suspension, subsequent offense, of a driver who failed to move over.
- 1 commercial motor vehicle operator found to be in possession of marijuana.
Contact reporter Dan Alexander at Dan.Alexander@townsquaremedia.com or via Twitter @DanAlexanderNH
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